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a pre-assessment to activate students' prior knowledge
This include questions, anticipation guides, KWL's and more!
interactive activities to formatively assess student understanding
This includes exploring links, drag-and-drop activities, typing in the text-box, matching, and so much more!
science content on the middle school level
The lessons are not as simple as elementary science, but not overwhelming as higher-level science can be.

a paper version
a digital version
(PPT and Google Slides)

guided Cornell notes
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- The Scientific Method and Scientific Reasoning
- Experimental Design

Atmosphere and Weather
- Composition of the Atmosphere
- Layers of the Atmosphere
- Ozone Layer
- Water Cycle
- Air Masses and Fronts
- Severe Weather: Thunderstorms, Hurricanes, Tornadoes, and Winter Storms
- Prediciting Weather and Weather Instruments
- Different Types of Clouds
- Convection in the Atmosphere: Global and Local Winds
- Greenhouse Effect and Global Warming
- Air Pollution and Air Quality
- Climate Change

Forces and Motion
- Motion: Speed, Velocity, and Acceleration
- Distance-Time Graphs
- Speed-Time Graphs
- Balanced and Unbalance Forces
- Newton's Laws of Motion
- Earth's Forces: Gravity, Friction, and Magnetism
- Magnetic Fields and Magnetic Forces

- Mechanical Energy: Potential and Kinetic Energy
- Forms of Energy
- Energy Transfer and Transformations
- Heat Transfer: Radiation, Conduction, and Convection
- Expansion and Contraction
- Electric Circuits
- Simple Machines and Mechanical Advantage
- Natural Resources - Energy Resources - Renewable and Nonrenewable Resources
- Conservation of Energy Resources
- Insulators and Conductors

Living Organisms
- The Cell Theory
- Single-Celled Organisms
- Human Body Organization Levels
- Plant and Animal Cells
- Bacterial Cells
- Photosynthesis
- Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration
- Human Body Systems
- Circulatory and Respiratory Systems
- Digestive System and Excretory System
- Endocrine System and Nervous System
- Skeletal and Muscular System
- Immune System
- Classification of Living Things
- Characteristics of Living Things

- Gregor Mendel and an Introduction to Genetics
- Asexual and Sexual Reproduction
- Mitosis and The Cell Cycle
- Meiosis
- Punnett Squares
- Pedigree Charts
- Variation of Traits and Genetic Disorders
- Protein Synthesis
- DNA Structure and Replication

- Pathogens and Diseases - Viruses, Bacteria, Fungi, Parasites
- Spread of Disease - Epidemics and Pandemics

- Mechanical and Electromagnetic Waves
- Properties of Waves
- Wave Behaviors
- Electromagnetic Spectrum
- Visible Light Waves
- Sound Waves
- How Sound Travels
- The Human Ear and Hearing
- The Human Eye and Optics

Properties of Matter
- Structure of an Atom
- Atoms and Elements
- States of Matter
- Phase Changes
- Classification of Matter: Atoms, Elements, Compounds, Mixtures
- The Periodic Table
- Physical and Chemical Properties
- Physical and Chemical Changes
- Acids and Bases, pH Scale
- Chemical Reactions
- Synthetic Materials
- Balancing Chemical Equations

- Properties of Water
- Distribution of Water on Earth
- Ocean Zones and Ecosystems
- Oceans as a Reservoir
- Ocean Currents
- Estuaries
- Water Quality Indicators
- Pollution and Water Quality Standards

- Rotation and Revolution
- Seasons
- Tides
- Moon Phases
- Eclipses
- Solar System
- Planets of the Solar System
- Earth in the Solar System
- Gravity and the Solar System
- Space Exploration

- Abiotic and Biotic Factors
- Biomes
- Levels of Organization in an Ecosystem
- Limiting Factors in Ecosystems
- Ecological Relationships - Organism Interactions
- Energy Flow in Ecosystems
- Cycling of Matter in Ecosystems

Earth's Systems
- Earth's Layers
- Plate Tectonics
- Earthquakes
- Volcanoes
- Minerals
- The Rock Cycle
- Weathering and Erosion
- Formation of Soil
- Soil Horizons
- Soil Properties
- Human Impact on the Environment
- Soil Quality and Soil Stewardship

Earth's History
- Fossils
- Relative Dating
- Age of Rocks and Fossils - Absolute and Relative
- Geologic Time Scale

Molecular Biology
- The Role of Food in Organisms
- Macronutrients
- Healthy Living

Theory of Evolution
- Charles Darwin
- Adaptations and Natural Selection
- Comparative Anatomy
- Evidence of Evolution - Fossils
- Evidence of Evolution - DNA

- Parts of a Flower
- Vascular and Nonvascular Plants
- Sexual Reproduction in Flowers
- Plant Defense Mechanisms
- Plant Processes: Photosynthesis, Respiration, and Transpiration

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